2 May 2021 / PYTHON Python 강좌(1) - Python 기본 Python 강좌는 여러 절로 구성되어 있습니다. Python 강좌(1) - Python 기본 Python 강좌(2) - Python 제어문 이 글은 python basic 입니다.!! function syntaxHighlight(code) { var foo = 'Hello World'; var bar = 100; } # Jekyll configuration markdown: kramdown highlighter: rouge paginate: 100 # it will paginate after this number language: 'en-uk' words_per_minute: 200 # edit baseurl to simply '/' if using as your personal page (instead of a project page) baseurl: / # Website info title: 웹 개발자, 김준호의 블로그 description: The professional publishing platform cover: assets/images/blog-cover.jpg logo: assets/images/blog-icon.png logo_dark: assets/images/favicon.png favicon: assets/images/favicon.png CNAME: #add cname for website to be created # Social info navigation: True # show the navbar links subscribers: True # you need to connect an external service for this to work, # if 'True' the submit button is disabled for now, but you can change that # by editing `_includes/subscribe-form.html` twitter: # replace by your username facebook: # replace by your username # Disqus disqus: False disqus_shortname: jekyller # replace with your disqus username # Google Analytics google_analytics: UA-69281367-1 # replace with your GA tracking identifier # Permalinks permalink: /:title # permalink: /author/:author # permalink: /tag/:tag # Authors' info in `_data/authors.yml` # Tags' info in `_data/tags_info.yml` # gems and other configs plugins_dir: [_plugins] plugins: [jekyll-paginate, jekyll-feed] feed: path: feed.xml # Additional settings available on the front-matter # Site logo in the index.html (as in demo.ghost.io) # Author's page cover in _layouts/author.html # The same for page.html and tag.html layouts # Post's page cover as a per-post basis _posts/... # Disqus comments as a per-post basis # ... # Settings for building master branch with travis-ci # with jekyll-travis # Settings for deploy rake task # Username and repo of Github repo, e.g. # https://github.com/USERNAME/REPO.git # username defaults to ENV['GIT_NAME'] used by Travis # repo defaults to USERNAME.github.io # Branch defaults to "source" for USERNAME.github.io # or "master" otherwise safe: False lsi: False username: libtv repo: libtv.github.io branch: master relative_source: destination: ../jasper2-pages/ production_url: https://libtv.github.io/ source_url: https://github.com/libtv/libtv.github.io/ exclude: - assets/css - node_modules - vendor - .travis.yml - Gemfile - Gemfile.lock - GHOST.txt - gulpfile.js - LICENSE - package.json - package-lock.json - Rakefile - README.md - script.py - changelog.md - "*.Rmd" - .git* - backup